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Music Festival EventParty Manager Business through sponsorof Events with FTv franchise store

May 10, 2024
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Job Description

Overview:The MusicFestival Event/Party Manager plays a critical role in organizingand executing successful music festival events and parties for theFTv franchise store establishing brand presence and ensuring amemorable experience for attendees. This role involves overseeingall aspects of event planning and coordination including securingsponsorships managing budgets and leading ateam.

  • Developing andimplementing comprehensive event strategies to drive attendance andbrand awareness
  • Securing sponsorships andpartnerships to support event funding and enhance the attendeeexperience
  • Creating and managing event budgetsensuring effective resource allocation and costcontrol
  • Coordinating logistics such as venueselection permits and equipment rental
  • Leadingand motivating a team of event staff andvolunteers
  • Collaborating with marketing teamsto promote events and maximize reach
  • Ensuringcompliance with legal health and safetyregulations
  • Overseeing ticketing andregistration processes
  • Evaluating event successand identifying areas forimprovement


  • Bachelors degree inEvent Management Marketing Business or relatedfield
  • Proven experience in organizing andmanaging largescale music festivalevents
  • Demonstrated success in negotiating andsecuring event sponsorships
  • Strong financialacumen and experience in budget development andmanagement
  • Exceptional leadership and teammanagement skills
  • Proficiency in event planningsoftware and tools
  • Excellent communication andinterpersonal abilities
  • Ability to work wellunder pressure and meet tightdeadlines
  • Knowledge of current trends and bestpractices in event management
  • Flexibility towork evenings weekends and travel asneeded


  • Someevening and weekend work may berequired.
  • Travel may be necessary depending oneventlocations.

WorkingDays: Monday toFriday
JobLocation Mumbai Santacruz West (Kindly apply only ifyou can relocate/work in preferredlocation)

Thanks&RegardsRahulManagerHRDEmailCallWhatsAppConnect us onlinkedin
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budgeting,teamleadership,eventplanning,events,management,franchise,store,travel,brandawareness,budget development,com,music festivals,launch parties,newstore launches